Youth Ministries

Sunday Morning Services

9:00 AM Service- Antigo Location

10:00 AM Sunday School- Mattoon Location

11:00 AM Service- Mattoon Location

Teens are welcome to join either of our Sunday morning worship times in the sanctuary.

Wednesday Night Youth Group 7-8pm

N.Y.I. (Nazarene Youth International)
Led by: Becky Wendel
Grades: 7th-12th
Location: Teen Room

This group has not been meeting regularly. Contact us for more current information if you would like to join us on Wednesday evenings! Or feel free to join the prayer meeting in the sanctuary, also at 7pm.

Teen Bible Quizzing

Led by: Andrea Landwehr and Emily Knowles
Grades: 6th-12th
Ask for more information through our contact page!

WI District Teen Quizzing Page

WI District Page: Youth Tab

WI District NYI Facebook Page

This page updated on June 6, 2021.